Meet the Team

Our team is dedicated to helping you with all of your fitness and work out goals.

Laura Kummerle, PT, DPT, OCS, cert DN


As the founder of Paradigm of Perfection, Laura started the instagram page @paradigmofperfection in 2017 while completing her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The page originally started as a training journal with the intent of showing others that you can workout in different ways outside of the traditional gym setting in a way that is fun. It has since evolved into a company that offers consult calls and individualized workout programs. Laura also is an orthopedic physical therapist, BaseBlocks trainer, MyFlex coach, and certified Barefoot Movement Coach.

Credentials: physical therapist (PT), doctor of physical therapy (DPT), orthopedic clinical specialist (OCS), dry needling certified (cert. DN)

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Steven Bauernfeind, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, cert DN, CFE, CMT, NKT

Coach and Workout Design Specialist

Steven Bauernfeind is a physical therapist with a prestigious specialization as an orthopedic clinical specialist. He trains and mentors many other physical therapists in the field, including acting as one of Laura’s orthopedic residency mentors. In addition, he has his strength and conditioning specialist certification and has experience training and rehabbing division 1 collegiate athletes. Steve utilizes his knowledge of human anatomy, workout programming, current evidence, and experience to create individualized workout programs based on your goals. He also has experience playing a variety of sports including rugby (collegiate), baseball, basketball, golf, and soccer. We are currently working on his handstand abilities!

Credentials: physical therapist (PT), doctor of physical therapy (DPT), orthopedic clinical specialist (OCS), certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), dry needling certified (cert. DN), certified functional capacity evaluator, certified manual therapist (CMT), neurokinetic therapy certified (NKT)

Jessica Ford, PT, DPT

Virtual Assistant

Jessica Ford is a physical therapist with experience working with various populations from orthopedics to pediatrics. She graduated with Laura from the University of Florida with her Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2018. She is passionate about movement and is crazy organized. She helps out with behind the scenes tasks like making playlists for programs that Laura has designed, formatting written blog posts and emails, and so much more all while raising two little humans.

Credentials: physical therapist (PT), doctor of physical therapy (DPT)

Jordan Ashcraft

Virtual Assistant

Jordan Ashcraft is finishing her Undergraduate in Exercise Science with a concentration in Physical Therapy from Georgia College & State University. She is currently interning at different sites to gain experience to become a physical therapist and will apply to graduate schools in the fall. She loves learning about new things and is passionate about helping out others in need. Like Jessica, Jordan also works behind the scenes so everything runs as smoothly as possible. She has had an active life since highschool; participating in competitive cheerleading and soccer while also working as a lifeguard. Though she’s active, she can’t resist a lazy day with her favorite pup Goose!

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